Timmermans Recap
The John Timmerman's Memorial was another great learning experience for TREX swimmers. There were so many things that happened over the course of five sessions!
The swimmers' increased independence shows up in many ways:
* On deck (keeping their things organized and their bodies hydrated and warm)
* In warm up (completing a full and focused warm up)
* Preparing for their races (being aware of when their races are, talking to a coach before a race and taking silent time behind the blocks to focus)
* Competing well with determination and grit!
From a missed race or two, to the stress of a broken goggle strap, to a lost tooth, misplaced deck shoes, a bloody nose, or a ripped cap, the TREX squads are learning how to handle themselves in competition, amongst their teammates, and as representatives of the UCSC club at an Invitational meet.
There were huge best times, some barely-best times, some disappointments and some DQs. A few swimmers had their first experience of being in finals (where there were medals and ribbons!) or being an alternate for the finals, one actually getting an opportunity to swim. There were back-to-back events for some and some long periods of waiting around for others and SO. MUCH. LEARNING.
Thanks to the host team, NCSA for carrying on the great tradition of the John Timmerman's Memorial meet, thanks to all of the officials, and thanks to parents for the time and support. GO DINOS!