UCSC November Invitational
The November Invitational showed the full strength of the UCSC program all the way from the TREX Groups to the National Groups. It was amazing and exciting to watch many of the races.
Swimmers battled in the morning, racing their teammates in open age groups, and then in the finals competed for medals, placing, and fast times. In TREX, there were new Festival Qualifiers and in the upper groups, people made qualifying times for the Provincial Trials and Championships. Both Club and the Provincial records were broken.
Through their racing, swimmers improved their best times. Across the board and appropriate to each age group swimmers showed very good stroke skills, good starts and turns, and underwaters.
It was awesome to see the camaraderie among the swimmers. The meet was a preparation for the peak meets in December. Based on the results last weekend, there will be many fast swims from the Dinos before the end of the year!
The meet would not be possible without the great efforts of the organizers, officials, parents, and coaches. Thank you everyone for running a great meet.
Go Dinos.
- Coach Jan